With the Christmas holidays fast approaching, NOW is the time to start thinking about home security. It’s easy and relatively inexpensive to secure your house and lower the risk of a break-in. Take a walk around your property and look for weak spots. Loose locks, dodgy doors and unsecured sheds are a thief’s dream.
Holiday Season Security Tips
If you are heading off over the summer holiday season, consider these home security tips before you leave:
- Lock all doors and windows – sounds obvious but you would be surprised how often an infrequently used door or window is left unlocked.
- Make it look like you are home – ask a neighbour or relative to keep an eye on your property. Putting the bins out on rubbish day, emptying your mailbox, watering the garden and turning a light on now and then will all help make it look like someone is home.
- Keep valuable items out of sight and away from windows (jewellery and digital devices etc).
- Secure garden sheds, garages and access gates – barbeques, bikes, surfboards and other outdoor equipment are popular with thieves.
- Mow your lawns before you go away, or schedule your gardener in for a visit while you are away.
- Don’t post about your holiday on social media – wait until you return before letting the world know that you’re away. Cancel or pause online deliveries.
And the best thing you can do to protect your home? Install a security system. There are many affordable alarm systems that allow you to monitor your home using an app on your phone. You can see who is coming and going and grant access to authorised persons if required. Some systems allow you to turn lights on and off and control other devices within your home to make it look like you are home.
Talk to Armitage Security today and be ready for your next trip away.
Install Security Cameras

Christmas is the time of year where we find that callouts to quote and install new alarm systems double due to an increase in break-ins at unsecured and unattended homes.
Don’t be one of our break-in call-outs! Be proactive and invest in the security of your home so you can go away and enjoy yourself without worrying about your untended property. Armitage Security even has easy payment options to help you budget.
Renting? Don’t be put off by the fear that property owners don’t want to pay the money. We’ve found that many landlords are more than happy to protect their investment by installing a security system. Speak to your agent, especially if you have holidays planned – you might just be surprised by their response.
We are happy to provide you with a free security system quote so don’t hold off – contact us today.